2 Years of Cultura, Comunidad, & Connection

On December 10, 2023, 18th Street Casa de Cultura celebrated our 2 year anniversary with a community holiday mercado featuring local artisan and food vendors. In just 2 years, la Casa de Cultura has become a prominent space of gathering, connection, and encuentros for community near, and far. La Casa de Cultura exists with the main intention of honoring the community spaces that have historically existed in Pilsen, the spaces that bred and raised us, the spaces where we received our community educación and concientización, the spaces where we learned what community was, and where we practiced how to be in one. Though forces sometimes beyond our control like gentrification have taken those prior spaces with them, at 18th Street Casa de Cultura we reaffirm our commitment to continue their legacy by opening our doors for culture, community, and connection.

Thank you to all of the individuals, families, collectives, and organizations who through their support and collaborations have made it possible for us to make it to 2 years – y vamos por muchos más!

Please enjoy these beautiful photos taken by our board member, Jhonathan Gomez below. Click here to view the entire album.


18k for 18th Street